Air Fryer Impossible Burger – Named Marley

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Learn the delicious and healthy way to make Air Fire Impossible Burgers. Enjoy a juicy Impossible Burger cooked to perfection with this step-by-step guide. Get ready to enjoy your guilt-free and vegetarian meals now!

A cheeseburger is on a bun with other toppings such as mayo, tomato and greens.  It sits on a plate with potato chips.  In the background is another burger with a slice of tomato.

We love a good burger around here. I recently experimented with cooking the Impossible Burger in an air fryer.

All I can say is, get ready for the best Impossible Burger you’ve ever tasted! With an air fryer, you can make delicious impossible burgers in minutes. Try them now and see why they are among the most popular dishes

Add delicious Impossible Burgers to your recipe collection with an air fryer!

the main ingredient

Here are the ingredients you will need for this recipe:

  • Plant based patties — You can use Impossible Patties, Beyond Beef Patties, or whatever vegan veggie burger patties you have. If you’re using plant-based ground, you’ll want to form it into three or four equal-sized patties.
  • Salt and pepper — We will sprinkle the patties with salt and pepper before flipping them.
  • Hamburger bun — You’ll need four hamburger buns or serve these patties as lettuce wraps. It works both ways.
  • Favorite Toppings — Add your favorite toppings, such as vegan cheese crumbles, vegan mayo, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, and more. For a special touch, add some vegan Big Mac sauce.
A hand grabs an Impossible Burger and takes a bite out, revealing some cheese-like topping.  It hovers over a pale potato chip.

How to Make the Air Fryer Impossible Burger

You can find the complete printable recipe with ingredient amounts below. But first, here are some ingredient explanations and steps to help you perfect this recipe every time.

  1. Grill plant-based burgers until tender or form 3 to 4 patties of equal size. (See below for cooking them from frozen).
  2. Spray air fryer basket with vegetable spray.
  3. Place the Impossible Burgers in a single layer in the air fryer and cook for a few minutes.
  4. Sprinkle each patty with salt and pepper. Then use a spatula to flip the burgers.
  5. Cook for a few minutes until done.
  6. Brush cut side of bun with olive oil and cook in air fryer until toasted.
  7. Place burgers on toasted buns and add your favorite burger toppings.

Is Impossible Burger Vegan?

Impossible Burgers are made without any animal products and are therefore vegetarian and plant-based.

Serving advice

Serve it with your favorite side dishes such as:

Storage Tips

If you cooked your burgers in an air fryer and have leftovers, transfer them to an airtight container. They will keep in the fridge for up to 3 or 4 days.

A hand grabs an Impossible Burger and takes a bite out, revealing some cheese-like topping.  It hovers over a pale potato chip.

Vegan burgers

If you like this Air Fryer Impossible Burger recipe, here are some more plant-based burger favorites to try:

A close-up of an Air Fryer Impossible Burger on a bun with all the toppings including cheese and mayo.  It sits on a plate next to potato chips.

Prevent your screen from going dark

  • Thaw plant-based burgers until tender. If you are using Impossible Ground, let the mixture melt and make 4 equal sized patties.

  • Spray air fryer basket with vegetable spray.

  • Place the burgers in a single layer in the air fryer. Cook at 375°F/190°C for 5 minutes.

  • Remove the air fryer basket. Sprinkle each patty with salt and pepper. Then use a spatula to flip the burgers and cook for another 5 minutes.

  • To determine doneness, use visual cues such as burgers should not be pink in the center. You can also insert a kitchen thermometer into the patties. The temperature should be 160°F/70°C. Cooking time varies based on the thickness of the burger.

  • For the cheeseburgers: Add slices of vegan cheese to the cooked burgers and cook in the air fryer for an additional minute until the cheese melts.

  • Brush cut side of bun with olive oil and place in air fryer, cut side up, and cook until toasted, 1 to 2 minutes.

  • Place burgers on toasted buns and add your favorite burger toppings.

Air Fryer by Cosori

(The products above contain sponsored links to products we use and recommend)

Using frozen patties

Increase cooking time by 2 to 3 minutes on both sides.

Nutrition estimates are based on frozen Impossible Burger patties. It does not include buns.

Calories: 230kcal | Sugars: 9g | Protein: 19g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Sodium: 370mg | Potassium: 700mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 1g | Calcium: 180mg | Iron: 4mg

The nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator and should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist consultation.

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