Lemon ricotta pancakes with lemon curd and berries

by admin

Lemon Ricotta Pancakes

Spring is just around the corner with Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Summer in the near future. I can’t think of a better warm-weather breakfast or brunch option than these Lemon Ricotta Pancakes.

The lemon and ricotta remind me of spring and time to brighten up, no more heavy winter dishes.

The pancakes are scooped up by a dollop of lemon curd which is warmed by the heat of the pancake and mixes with the maple syrup as you cut through, the flavors are out of this world!

Six inch pancakes

I went for 6 inch pancakes but you can certainly make smaller ones but I would suggest doubling the recipe if you make them so well! I got 6.6 inch pancakes with this recipe.

The lemon curd is a must try, don’t bother making it from scratch, there are some great store bought brands that are good quality and taste great.

pancakes and berries

Garnish with fresh seasonal berries and I promise this will be a hit with your family and friends for months to come!

Lemon ricotta pancakes with lemon curd and berries

Fluffy, bright flavor in these Lemon Ricotta Pancakes.


serves: 6-6 inch pancakes


  • 1 cup full-fat ricotta cheese, if using deli, drain moisture, otherwise purchase a full-fat ricotta cheese typically found near the cream cheese-mozzarella section of a grocery store.
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup whole milk (You definitely want the consistency of pancake batter, you may want to add a bit more or less depending on how thick it is when mixing.)
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon Baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • Zest of a whole lemon
  • 1 glass of lemon curd
  • fresh berries
  • Butter for wiping the pan
  • Powdered sugar for dusting


  1. Place the drained ricotta cheese in a medium bowl, then add the eggs, milk, vanilla and lemon zest and whisk well.
  2. Place the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a small bowl and mix well.
  3. Now add the flour mixture to the wet ricotta ingredients and gently fold with a spatula until you don’t see any dry areas of flour.
  4. Heat your pan, brush with some butter, like I said, I made 6 inch pancakes so I poured about a third into the bottom and shook the pan to evenly distribute the batter.
  5. I kept the heat on medium and didn’t turn it up until bubbles appeared in the center and around the edges of the pancake. You can peek underneath to make sure you see a beautiful golden brow and then flip.
  6. Give the other side a few minutes and then place them on a wire rack instead of paper towels, you don’t want them to get soggy.
  7. Eat them warm dusted with powdered sugar and serve with a dollop of lemon curd and fresh berries.


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